Friday, August 12, 2005

Nudibranch and Diver

P8030076, originally uploaded by diverjon.

The classic close focus wide angle shot of a Nudibranch and aquanaut - Pixie Pinnacle, Great Barrier Reef, Australia


P7130064, originally uploaded by diverjon.

This lionfish was posing in the shallows on Pixie Pinnacle, Great Barrier Reef, Australia


P7280002, originally uploaded by diverjon.

Schooling Surgeonfish at Steve's Bommie, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Taka at sunset

P8030084, originally uploaded by diverjon.

Taka with an eerie sunset in the background while preparing for a night dive at Challenger Bay, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Potato Cod

P8030013, originally uploaded by diverjon.

One of the Potato Cod that make The Cod Hole famous - The Cod Hole, Great Barrier Reef, Australia