Thursday, October 13, 2005

Manta ray portrait

Manta ray portrait, originally uploaded by diverjon.

There were 5 Mantas cruising around this cleaning station at 30m - Round the Bend, Osprey Reef, Coral Sea

Manta ray flyby

Manta ray flyby, originally uploaded by diverjon.

This ray made a slow and close flyby at 30m gently rippling its wings to ease it through the water - Round the Bend, Osprey Reef, Coral Sea

Diver silhouette

Diver silhouette, originally uploaded by diverjon.

Divers on an early morning dive on the Western Wall of North Horn, Osprey Reef, Coral Sea

Goatfish and snapper

Goatfish and snapper, originally uploaded by diverjon.

These goatfish and snapper can always be found schooling together at Steve's Bommie, Great Barrier Reef, Australia


Cuttlefish, originally uploaded by diverjon.

A cuttlefish displaying its tentacles at Clam Garden, Great Barrier Reef, Australia