Thursday, November 24, 2005

White on red

White on red, originally uploaded by diverjon.

Tiny snowflake like polyps on a Gorgonian fan. The many mouths filter food from the current - The Entrance, Osprey Reef, Coral Sea

Feather star and Black coral

Feather star and Black coral, originally uploaded by diverjon.

A Feather star clings to a Black coral fan. The position high in the current allows it to get the most nourishment. The bright red Black coral gets its name from the colour of its skeleton - North Horn, Osprey Reef, Coral Sea

Monday, November 14, 2005

Dolphin leap

Dolphin leap, originally uploaded by diverjon.

One of a large pod of Spinner dolphins riding Taka's bow wave - Ribbon Reef 10, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Manta ray flap

Manta ray flap, originally uploaded by diverjon.

A Manta ray swims past, wing tips raised ready for a powerful trust into the blue - Round the Bend, Osprey Reef, Coral Sea

Taka and the Reef

Taka and the Reef, originally uploaded by diverjon.

Light winds caused Taka to sit unusually close to the reef, the clearance was only about 1.5m - The Entrance, Osprey Reef, Coral Sea


Nudibranch, originally uploaded by diverjon.

A nudibranch, I've forgotten which species it is but nice to look at anyway - Steve's Bommie, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Leaf scorpionfish

Leaf scorpionfish, originally uploaded by diverjon.

One of the resident Leafys - Steve's Bommie, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Giant clam mantle

Giant clam mantle, originally uploaded by diverjon.

The irridescent colours of the mantle of a Giant clam - Clam Garden, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Boobie Bird

Boobie Bird, originally uploaded by diverjon.

This Boobie bird landed on the boat for a rest - Osprey Reef, Coral Sea

Blue-spotted ray

Blue-spotted ray, originally uploaded by diverjon.

This Blue-spotted ray can often be found hiding in the same hole in the reef - Challenger Bay, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Flame file shell

Flame file shell, originally uploaded by diverjon.

A flame file shell. This fish-eating mollusc uses a pulse of electrical light to attract fish into its waiting tentacles - Steve's Bommie, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Pink anemonefish and Eggs

Pink anemonefish and Eggs, originally uploaded by diverjon.

A Pink anemonefish tending to its clutch of eggs behind its host anemone - Pixie Pinnacle, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Vertical limits

Vertical limits, originally uploaded by diverjon.

Divers explore the top 30m of the 1000m sheer vertical wall at The Entrance, Osprey Reef, Coral Sea

Sunset over Cairns Northern Beaches

Sunset over the Cairns Northern Beaches - Cairns, Queensland, Australia